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Beattie Pet Hospital - Brantford




In a world where chaos often reigns, Michelle is the serene oasis at our front desk, offering a tranquil haven for both clients and colleagues s alike. Her soft-spoken nature is like a soothing melody that calms even the most worried pet parent, turning each interaction into a moment of genuine connection and comfort.

Having experience on the human side of the health care system prior to joining the clinic, she has a deep understanding for the medical wellbeing of our furry patients and strives to provide compassionate and efficient care for all that visit our clinic.

One of Michelle’s many hidden talents is her ability to speak fluent Polish which helps create a seamless visit for our clients who’s primary and preferred language is Polish – because after all, we want everyone to be able to understand what is going on with their pet without language being a barrier.

If you’re ever greeted by her friendly voice when calling in, be assured you are in good hands and that the person on the other end of your phone call truly does care about your pet!