Beattie Pet Hospital - Brantford
What Happens to My Pet on Surgery Day?
Upon arriving to the clinic, your pet will be checked in at the front desk and then taken into an exam. Once your surgical information has been verified by one of our wonderful assistants, your pet will be taken into our surgical area and placed into a kennel that has been prepared with blankets. If preanesthetic bloodwork has been chosen, the surgery technician will collect the samples and have them run in our in-house lab. The results will be interpreted by the surgical doctor prior to your pet being given any medications.
Your pet will be given two small injections. The first medication is sedation. The second injection is a pain medication. After 15-20 minutes, your pet will be sedated enough to place an IV catheter and receive the injectable anesthetic and your pet will quickly relax into sleep. An endotracheal (ET) tube is place into the trachea and connected to a mixture of Oxygen and inhalant anesthetic, which they will receive until the surgery, is complete. The surgical area is clipped and scrubbed, and then they are moved into the surgery room. Your pets’ vital signs will be continuously monitored by the surgical technician throughout the entire procedure.
Following surgery, your pet will be recovered on a bed of warm blankets and warming bags. Once your pet is able to swallow on their own, the endotracheal tube will be removed and they will be moved into a recovery kennel. A few hours later, once your pet can sit up on their own and is fully responsive, we will offer them a small meal and a dish of water. Your pet will continue to be monitored post- operatively until you arrive to pick them up later that evening.
Post-Surgical Homecare Instructions
While your pet spends the day with us for surgery, there are a few things that we would like you to be prepared for once they return to your home.
Our surgery team is very busy monitoring all of the surgery pets throughout the day, so please do not call the clinic for an update. Once your pet has recovered from surgery, our Surgical Assistant will call you with an update, go over post-operative care instructions and set up a surgery discharge time.
It is important to follow all of our post-surgery instructions to help your pet recover quickly and without any complications.
All of the sutures are absorbable unless otherwise indicated. They will slowly dissolve on their own. Feline neuters do not have any sutures present.
Do not allow your pet to lick at their incision(s). We recommend that your pet wear an e-collar for 2 weeks following the surgery.
Restrict Exercise – Do not allow your pet to run/ jump or play with other pets to prevent strain on the sutures and disruption of the healing. Leash walk only. Cats should be kept indoors.
No baths or swimming for at least 14 days following surgery.
All medication needs to be given as directed.
Monitor your pets’ incision(s) at least 1-2 times daily. Call the clinic if you notice any bleeding/ discharge or additional swelling.
Mature pets may have more swelling and bruising which can result in a longer healing period.
Monitor your pet for any changes such as vomiting, diarrhea, decreased appetite or lethargy. Please call us if you have any questions or concerns.
Feline Declaws – Use paper litter or shredded paper for 2 weeks following surgery. **Do NOT use clay or clumping litter**
Please call us with any questions or concerns post-operatively (519) 756-1770